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Systemic Structural Constellations with Doris Landauer


Many issues of companies or organisations can be solved successfully with systemic structural constellations. Fields of application are (amongst others):

Working Method

Client(s) can be one or several persons sharing an issue. Usually I suggest a preliminary talk with the client to elaborate the issue precisely. We conclude on whether a constellation is suitable for the issue, and which would be the optimum method:

Examples of Issues Solved

(The concerned companies have agreed with these descriptions.)

Family Business in the Textile Industry
Conflicts between the associates had been simmering for years within the family business. The authority of the successors of the business founders on the other family members was suffering. After a constellation the CEOs managed to settle down the company, the disputes within the family members were reduced.

Private School Cluster
There were noticeable frictions within the cluster between one school and the others. Through a constellation it was uncovered that the fact that the cluster manager came from this particulary “problem” school had been neglected so far. Besides, the mutual esteem of the schools towards each other improved. In addition, the cluster manager acknowledged that he needed to draw a clear dividing line to the political activities he was pursuing as a sideline.

Dynea Austria (International Group in the Chemical Industry)
The company was suffering from afterpains resulting from a fundamental restructuring process; the re-orientation of the business was not fully accepted yet. Several employees had been headhunted by partner companies into the position of an executive negotiator. To make matters worse, their personal contacts to former co-workers were causing disturbances. Key managers were at risk of burning out.
In a constellation the managers’ positions were boosted and the entire staff focussed on the new corporate objective. In further constellations a certain division – which has always felt excluded from the company somehow – was stronger integrated into the business. The issues with the former employees could be resolved. Despite the entire economic sector suffering from a massive decline in demand, the company is expanding since.

Employment Service Vienna
The public Employment Service Vienna was facing the task of outsourcing the service of handicapped persons and long-term unemployed. Major resistance was expected against this plan. Through a constellation the until then unknown reasons for the resistance could be uncovered. Besides, new ways of cooperation with the external contractors were found.

Professional Education School
The Eastern German public school was to be privatised due to a political re-orientation. On one hand, the employees were completely left in the dark regarding their future, but on the other hand were expected to come up with concepts for the change. Inconsistent news reports further elevated the prevalent uneasiness. Through the constellation the staff was able to regain their confidence and optimism. Also, it became clearer for the employees whether they wanted to stay with the company or leave. After all, the intended privatisation was postponed – much to the staff’s relief.

A notoriously overworked division head of the bank was about to become responsible for a new IT project. He wanted the explore the ins and outs of accepting or refusing. In the constellation a good way of taking the lead over the project was found, as well as preventing a possible burn-out.

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